It’s more of a defense mechanism than anything else. I work in an environment where toxicity holds the whip hand.

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I find the easiest way to be happier at work is to have zero expectations that my contributions, experience, tech skills, and input will be in any way sought out, or that they or my opinions will be in any way appreciated, valued, respected, or welcomed.

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Many happiness experts say that happiness = reality minus expectations. So setting your expectations at zero is actually a good method! If anything good happens you’ll be happy. Not sure it’s the best way though 😁. Thanks for sharing.

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I joined this sub stack because I am building knowledge in the area of employee wellness and I am sure I can learn a thing or two

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Hey, I've been studying the science of happiness in the workplace for years - it's fascinating. Hopefully you can learn something. If you ever want to chat please do DM me, very happy to help.

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Hey Richard, greets to UK from Germany :) Get shirt and water ski image. Amazing that you found your wife during this time.

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Thank you! Greetings back from the sunny Canary Islands!

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Hi Nia, I haven't done all the courses so I can't say which one is best. I do have experience of the Woohoo community and the people that run it, and they are very, very knowledgeable about the topic. So, I don't think you can't go far wrong if you choose that option. Good luck :)

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Hi Richard. Wondering what your thoughts are on Chief Happiness Officer training and any recommendations for provider? I’ve gravitated towards Woohoo

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I'm glad I came across your publication. After decades of depression, my job, a necessity, wasn't more than a money collecting activity. Reflecting back, the only thing that kept me going was the purpose I fulfilled while supporting my project teams through igniting humor and different perceptions on problems they were facing. Allowing them to understand their purpose in the whole, mostly negative, noise of their professional day-2-day. Thanks for your contribution to this matter. After all, we're spending 80% of our lives at a job! Definitely recommending!

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Thank you Patrick.

Purpose is so important, I'm glad you derived so much meaning from your work in those difficult times.

Yup 80% of our time is spent at work! Why shouldn't they be happy, enjoyable places?

Have a great week.

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For me, it was always about autonomy. It still is my number 1 need in my working life.

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I've always found it fascinating that everyone is so different, yet companies treat us all the same. For me, purpose and team seem to be the most important, but I really don't like feeling I don't have control either :)

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