This is really interesting, thank you. I was in an already distributed team just as the pandemic started so I felt already practised in the ways of working remotely. I'm now independent but also have a part time job. But in that part time work I'm the only one who does what I do and I'm also a long way away from the rest of the team. I do find it hard sometimes.

So, I too love our Monday morning Recommended call!

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Really appreciate this post. We have a lot of remote employees and I know they miss the connections of being in an office together. So we started a weekly Thursday 30 virtual game meeting. It’s not always well attended but even a little effort here makes a difference. Reading this makes me want to do more.

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Very interesting. We tried the same thing in lockdown and it worked for a while but then petered out. What we learnt is that people want to meet up and chat about things they like but not meet up for the sake of it. We are a tech company and we have a weekly tech Meetup and that works really well. I think it’s all about finding what people are interested in. We also have a little group that shares tv / movie recommendations and I’m in a book group for founders of value led companies. Very niche but my tribe 😁.

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